Live News is a WordPress plugin inspired from the news tickers used by broadcast television stations.
This versatile plugin can be use to display in real time information such as:
Latest news
Financial news
Weather warnings
Election results
Sport results
Advertising messages
Featured articles
The latest tweets
An RSS feed
And More
Note that all the colors, the graphical assets, and the typography used in the news ticker can be easily customized, so you can match the style of your website.
Four Sources of News
Manually create the news from the back-end, automatically generate the news from your posts, retrieve the news from an RSS feed or use the tweets of a Twitter account to generate the sliding news.
100% Customizable
Use the 56 customizable options per news ticker, 4 options per featured news, 9 options per sliding news and 4 general options to create an unlimited number of news tickers. Each news ticker can have different colors and typography, different sources of news and different behaviors.
Super Optimized
This plugin is suitable to be used on websites with high traffic or hosted on shared servers with limited resources. Since it uses the powerful WordPress Transients API the impact of the news tickers on the performance of the website will be negligible.
Multisite Ready
Feel free to install this plugin in a single WordPress installation or in a WordPress multisite environment. Single activations, network activations or activations on single sub-sites of the network are supported.
Multilanguage Ready
Live News comes by default in English and Italian, if you want to translate the plugin in another language simply create a translation file or manually translate it with a multilanguage plugin.
Additional Information
WordPress 4.0 and later versions are supported
PHP 5.2.4 and later versions are supported
The information displayed in the news ticker are updated in real time with a JavaScript timer
The number of AJAX requests sent to the server can be configured based on the specific preference of the website administrator
The WordPress Transient API is used to cache the data of the news ticker and decrease the server load
With mobile devices the news ticker can be displayed or not based on an option
The news tickers can be applied to the entire website or only on specific URLs
Multiple news tickers can be created if needed (for example one for the homepage, one for the products page, etc.)
The news ticker has a fixed position on the bottom of the screen and cant be moved
The sliding speed can be configured with an option
The number of displayed news can be configured with an option
The clock can be displayed or not based on an option
The title of the featured news and the sliding news can be linked to specific URLs if needed
The RTL layout for Arabic, Hebrew, Urdu, etc. websites can be enabled with an option
To retrieve tweets from a Twitter account the creation of a Twitter App and the deployment of the plugin on a real web server are necessary conditions
Not all the RSS feeds are appropriate as a source for the news ticker (the title, description and link tags of the XML source should include the proper data)
Programmed with OOP techniques
Commented code
Includes a complete manual with related video tutorials